The Crystal Cave Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He was not a man one could love easily, certainly not a man to like, but a man either to hate or to worship. You either fought him, or followed him. But it had to be one or the other; once you came within reach of him, you had no peace. (II.5.33)

Merlin describes his first impression of his dad, Ambrosius. It sounds to us like he's describing a real leader: a person who doesn't invite close relationships, but one who demands total devotion. Merlin chooses total devotion. He never speaks in terms of affection about his dad, but he's certainly dedicated to him. It's Ambrosius' personal power that leads Merlin to prophesy about his foundation of a mighty Britain.

Quote #2

"She saw only women's things, to do with love. Then she began to fear the power, and let it be."
"Do you fear it?"
"I shall be a man."
"And a man takes power where it is offered. Yes." (II.5.100-103)

So, okay. We learn here that power has gender, at least in Stewart's opinion. Female power, according to Merlin, has sparkles and lipstick—it's all about love and hooking up and whatnot. It's implied that when Niniane felt her power go in other directions (like politics, perhaps?), she shied away from it. The manly thing to do, Merlin thinks, is to grasp on to power, even when it's scary or taboo. Ambrosius agrees: Men are from Mars, women from Venus. Well, these are the so-called Dark Ages…

Quote #3

I would have liked to say, "Not if you wrapped my guts round every tree in the forest," but I held my tongue. Take power where it is offered, he had said, and—remembering my vigil by the ash tree—there had been power there, of a kind. (II.10.51)

Merlin really really hates Belasius and everything he stands for, so he's understandably annoyed when his tutor tells him he'll be initiated into druidic practices. But in the middle of his hatred, he remembers the convo with his dad: take power where you find it. He knows that the druids are creatures of darkness, but they do have access to some deep, ancient power. And access to that power is worth getting over his hatred.