The Crystal Cave Book Four, Chapter 2 Summary

  • Now we back up for Merlin's part.
  • Merlin rides with Gorlois toward Maridunum and stops at a little village along the way. He learns from the villagers that his mother was ill when she passed by.
  • Merlin and Gorlois convince the village men to lie in ambush for the escort as they return to join Vortigern. It works out for them—Merlin kills his mark so that Ambrosius will have less to worry about.
  • Merlin continues on to St. Peter's to find out about his mom. Dinias is the first person he sees in the town. Dinias squirms because he'd got Merlin into so much trouble before.
  • But Merlin just wants to know something about his mom. Dinias says she's "taken a chill"—whatever that means.
  • It's clear that Dinias' conscience is bothering him about taking money from Vortigern's men. Merlin really and truly doesn't care, but he's not going out of his way to comfort his cousin.
  • Dinias does have one piece of good news: Ambrosius has actually landed in Britain. Merlin tells him about killing Vortigern's men on the road.
  • Dinias is now in awe of the cousin he used to bully. Merlin's prophecy about the red dragon defeating the white dragon has become uber-famous at this point.
  • Merlin learns that all the children who were born at his grandfather's palace—except himself and Dinias—were murdered by Vortigern. Dinias says he will join Ambrosius' army.
  • Merlin asks Dinias if he can stay with him at the old palace while he's in town. Cousin is mighty glad that Merlin doesn't want to kill him, and he extends the invite.
  • Merlin still doesn't really trust Dinias—and we don't blame him. He doesn't tell Dinias everything about his relationship with Ambrosius.
  • But Dinias promises to ride west and gather up as many supporters as he can to fight for Ambrosius.
  • Merlin tells us that his cousin actually keeps his word and fights well for Ambrosius. He dies in a minor fight—Merlin never sees him again.
  • Merlin tells Cadal that he plans to set up house in Galapas' old cave once the fighting is over. Cadal thinks this is a gross idea.
  • Cadal tells Merlin that he's gone up to the nunnery and bribed the lady at the gate. Only this time, the lady isn't old. She's a total hottie.
  • Cadal learns that Niniane's feeling better. Merlin plans to visit mom and then ride off to join Ambrosius.
  • Merlin wonders if he did the right thing by telling Vortigern he should flee from his crumbling fort. Wouldn't it have been better for him to be without any cover when Ambrosius came?
  • But then Merlin remembers: it was a power greater than him that gave Vortigern that command.