The Crystal Cave Book Four, Chapter 1 Summary

  • Merlin gives us a bird's eye view of history in this chapter. We learn that Ambrosius kicks Vortigern's butt.
  • It takes about two years to do it, but Ambrosius' troops were well prepared with all those years of drilling.
  • Ambrosius enjoys pretty wide popular support from Britons who were tired of Vortigern's shenanigans with the Saxons.
  • Ambrosius did have a lot of work getting the local warriors to fight nicely together against the enemy. It was a lot like trying to get hostile relatives to sit at the same table for a family wedding.
  • Ambrosius did Merlin proud, being the awesome leader that he was. His major priority? Get Vortigern.
  • Ambrosius avenges himself on Vortigern pretty spectacularly, burning him and his family to death in Vortigern's stronghold.
  • Merlin, however, doesn't think his dad acted so brutally out of vengeance. He believes Ambrosius just wanted it to be over with quickly. And hey, Vortigern wasn't a nice guy.
  • Turns out that Vortigern's queen sent Ambrosius' messenger back with his two hands cut off. Vortigern had no intention of backing down, even though Ambrosius had a strong army.
  • While the fortress burned, Ambrosius watched—with his red dragon banner flying. Vortigern's white dragon, just as Merlin predicted, went up in smoke.