The Crystal Cave Book Four, Chapter 4 Summary

  • Okay, back to the timeline that began with Chapter 1 of this section.
  • Ambrosius reaps the benefits of murdering Vortigern in a horrid way: the Saxons are afraid of him.
  • But Hengist decides to try and attack Ambrosius quickly.
  • Mistake.
  • Ambrosius is faster, and he has the advantage of using local warriors who really know the land.
  • It also helps that Merlin's prophecy of Ambrosius' victory has gone the medieval version of viral at this point. The Saxons are afraid, and they panic when Ambrosius corners them.
  • This great battle is Merlin's first—but he isn't on the frontlines. His commander wants him somewhere where the men can see him. The idea is that they will be encouraged because a prophet is on their side.
  • Merlin hates this. But from his vantage point, he does see Gorlois join the battle, and he realizes that Gorlois is the Boar of Cornwall—that was part of his prophecy.
  • Merlin can also tell that there's a huge difference between the discipline of the British ranks and the craziness of the Saxon way of fighting. It's all about "Kill! Kill!" with those guys.
  • Merlin recalls that Eldol (the Duke of Gloucester) drags Hengist off his horse and takes him prisoner. That's pretty much the end of that battle.
  • Merlin also remembers that in the middle of the slaughter, a robin landed near him and began singing. It's a big contrast to the croaking of the ravens who are waiting to eat up the dead.
  • Merlin also intuits something important at the end of the battle: his mother has died back in Maridunum.