The Crystal Cave Book One, Chapter 10 Summary

  • Merlin returns to Maridunum after his trip to Segontium with Gramps. He brings his new falcon to visit Galapas and tells him all about the underground spot he'd found with Cerdic.
  • Merlin also tells Galapas about a kerfuffle at the palace: Grandpa has been in council with warlords, and rumors were flying.
  • Galapas tells Merlin that Vortigern's sons are fighting with him and have taken away their support from their father. It looks like Vortigern has some serious rebellion on his hands.
  • Camlach wants to support Vortigern's son Vortimer since he sees the young man as the future of the kingdom. But Merlin's grandfather isn't down with this. He still hearts Vortigern.
  • Since Galapas can't tell Merlin what his vision of the underground place means—or what Merlin should do to protect himself from family—he wants Merlin to go back in the crystal cave.
  • But this time, Merlin has to do it by himself. As he prepares the fire, Galapas gets creepy. He tells Merlin he only has time to show him one more thing—and that thing is how to call up visions of the future.
  • Merlin gets all private about exactly how this goes down, but we do learn that visions require fire.
  • Merlin has another dream vision, and this time, it's a doozy. He sees his grandpa lying dead, his neck broken.
  • Merlin also hears a conversation between Camlach and Niniane. She tells her bro that the king died in an accident. Witnesses confirm that he slipped on oil dropped by a servant.
  • And that servant was Cerdic. Cerdic is now dead for his mistake.
  • There's a hullabaloo outside the palace now because word has spread that the king is dead. Camlach, of course, will be the new king.
  • But it's a touchy time. Camlach's BFF, Alun, makes a point: no one can say that Camlach killed the old king himself, because he was away from the palace at the time of death.
  • And Niniane knows that she's in an awkward position because she is also a potential heir—as is Merlin. She just wants to go to St. Peter's and be a nun, and she tells Camlach this.
  • Niniane also wants Camlach to send Merlin away to be a priest. It's her only way of protecting him.
  • Niniane tells Camlach that St. Peter's won't be harmed, no matter whom he decides to support in the upcoming wars.
  • Camlach thinks that Niniane's been up to some soothsaying, but Niniane says that her new religion forbids it. Still, she has "the sight," and she tells her bro that Vortimer isn't gonna make it.
  • Okay, fade out: Merlin's vision melts away, but not before he sees his mother challenging Camlach. She double-dog dares him to lay one finger on Merlin.
  • Understandably, the fully awake Merlin is pretty upset. He knows that his BFF Cerdic has been murdered and that the kingdom of South Wales is in uproar because Gramps is dead.
  • Merlin also realizes that his life is danger. And he also has a healthy helping of guilt for not being there to save Cerdic. Galapas tells him this is ridiculous.
  • Galapas gives Merlin some more bad news: his pet falcon is gone. It flew south. Oh, and also? Merlin can't stay with Galapas at this time, even though Camlach wants to kill Merlin.
  • Merlin has a bad feeling about all of this. Galapas assures him that one day, Merlin will see him again—and that he will inherit the cave and all the cool stuff in it.
  • Merlin tells Galapas that he hasn't got a plan, but he's leaving it up to the gods. He'll just go back to the palace and check out the action.
  • When Merlin and Galapas say goodbye, Merlin cries for the second time in his life (the first was when Camlach tried to poison him with the tainted apricot).