Marked Chapter 22 Summary

  • Everyone (Damien, Shaunee, and Erin) is disturbed to hear that Zoey has joined the Dark Daughters, but they offer their help figure out how to displace Aphrodite.
  • Zoey tells them about her idea to pray to Nyx for help, and Stevie Rae volunteers everyone to help out with the ritual.
  • For a second Zoey is going to argue that she needs to do it alone, but a voice inside of her tells her to value her friends.
  • Zoey has them help her get ingredients for the ritual (like the herbs needed for a smudge stick and candles) and they agree to meet near a stream after dinner.
  • Zoey makes it through her classes, but then Aphrodite confronts her about how she's "stealing" Erik. Ugh.
  • Aphrodite tries to hit Zoey, but Zoey catches her hand and tells Aphrodite not to try to bully her—it won't work, because Zoey isn't afraid of Aphrodite.
  • Aphrodite tries to disinvite her from the Dark Daughters, but Zoey says that Nefret will see that it's over a boy and not legit, so instead Aphrodite makes some empty threats and walks away.
  • Stevie Rae sees the whole thing and she congratulates Zoey on standing up to Aphrodite. But Zoey knows that she had no choice in the matter: Ever since Nyx Marked her and spoke to her, Zoey has been ready for this fight.