Marked Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I felt like crap. I must be coming down with what Mr. Wise, my more-than-slightly-insane AP biology teacher, called the Teenage Plague.

If I died, would it get me out of my geometry test tomorrow? One could only hope. (1.3-4)

Are you getting the impression that Zoey really hates math? Because we sure are. And we get it: Everyone has that one subject in school that they really loathe. But half-heartedly hoping for death in order to get out of a test seems a bit extreme to us.

Quote #2

I just wanted to attempt to be normal […] I wanted to keep my grades up so that I could get accepted into the veterinary college at OSU and get out of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. (1.49)

Like a lot of teenagers, Zoey just wants to fit in. This extends to her goals at school: She wants to do well enough that she doesn't draw attention to herself, and get the grades that'll get her into a decent college. Hey, we get that education is often a means to an end, but there's way more to it than that, as Zoey will learn at the House of Night.

Quote #3

I emptied the school crap out of my backpack. Like I'd need it where I was going? They probably don't even have normal classes. They probably have classes like Ripping Peoples Throats out and… and… Intro to How to See in the Dark. Whatever. (2.79)

Zoey clearly has no idea what kind of education vampyre fledglings receive. Frankly, we don't either. What are vampyres like in this world? Do they actually rip people's throats out? Or are they seductive enough that humans just offer up their throats to be delicately nibbled on?