Marked Characters

Meet the Cast

Zoey Redbird Montgomery

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (And Also Fit In) Zoey Montgomery is your typical high school kid in a lot of ways: All she wants is to feel like a normal teenager and not stand out. Which is why she's d...


Mean GirlWe wouldn't be surprised if Mean Girls was based on Aphrodite's antics. She seems as plastic as it gets to us. At first glance, though, she doesn't seem too bad:She was a tiny blonde and d...

Stevie Rae

Country CutieStevie Rae is Zoey's roommate at the House of Night, and boy, is she your typical Oklahoma girl. She's into everything country, as Zoey notices when she looks around their room for the...

Erin Bates

Pretty… OpinionatedErin is one of the gals at the House of Night who quickly becomes friends with Zoey. When Stevie Rae introduces Zoey to the "ridiculously pretty blonde" (9.15), here's Stevie R...

Damien Maslin

The Sassy Gay FriendDamien's the only guy in Zoey's new group of friends, and he's openly gay. Zoey thinks he's cute, with his "smooth face that was totally zit free, and dark brown hair and eyes t...

Shaunee Cole

Blunt and BeautifulShaunee is the last member of the circle of friends Zoey joins, along with Stevie Rae, Erin, and Damien. When Shaunee walks up to their table, Zoey notices: She was the color of...

Erik Night

Honestly HotWhen Erik walks into Zoey's Drama class to perform a monologue, she's blown away by how gorgeous he is: "He was tall and had dark hair that did that adorably perfect Superman curl thing...


Like Totally CluelessWhen we first meet Kayla, on the first page of the book, we see her talking really fast and kind of ignoring Zoey's well-being. This is how Zoey describes it: "Kayla was talkin...


Drunk but DevotedHeath is Zoey's sorta-ex-boyfriend, and she describes him in conversation as "My almost-boyfriend" (1.8), if that makes sense. What's so unappealing? He's supposed to be pretty hot...


Hot High PriestessWhen Zoey wakes up for the first time in the House of Night, she gets to meet Nefret. And wow, is Nefret a looker. Here's Zoey's first impression:I'd never seen anyone up close wh...

Zoey's Mom (Linda Heffer)

Even before she's Marked, Zoey isn't thrilled with her relationship with her mom, mostly because everything changed when she remarried. Zoey remembers that her mom "used to read exotic romances and...

Zoey's Step-Dad (John Heffer)

Zoey really hates her step-dad… and from what we see of him, this seems pretty justified. First off, he's "a fake. He fakes being a nice guy. He fakes being a good husband. He even fakes being a...

Grandma (Sylvia) Redbird

Zoey's grandma (her mom's mom) is a pretty groovy lady. Zoey has fond memories of visiting her while growing up. She recalls:She always knew when I was coming for a visit. When I was a kid I used t...


Nyx, the Goddess of Night, manifests to Zoey in a vision the same day Zoey is Marked. Here's how she looks: "She was wearing a white fringed dress that was beaded with the same symbols that were on...


This is one of the kids in Zoey's classes, and she can't help but notice how much he stands out: "This one had his head down on his arms and he was sound asleep, which I knew because his chubby, wa...


This blonde girl is in Zoey's Vampyre Sociology class, and she correctly answers one of Nefret's questions about the Amazons. This leads to Zoey thinking of her as "Ms. Perfect Student Elizabeth" (...


Professor NolanThis vampyre is the Drama instructor. According to Zoey, she "oozed energy. She had an athletic, but somehow pear-shaped body. Her brunet hair was long and straight. And Stevie Rae h...

Dark Daughters

EnyoThis gal is one of the Dark Daughters and also one of Aphrodite's minions. Much like Aphrodite, she acts nice and is beautiful on the outside, but inside, she's rotten. Her name means warlike,...

Minor Characters

AnastasiaThis vampyre is also a teacher at the House of Night. According to Stevie Rae, "She teaches the Spells and Rituals class. She's also Dragon's wife" (15.34). So it seems fitting that she's...