Marked Chapter 9 Summary

  • The dining hall has a nice atmosphere, and Stevie Rae reassures Zoey that the food is good and no one makes them drink blood or anything like that.
  • They get food and go meet some of Stevie Rae's friends: Erin (a pretty blonde), Damien (who's gay), and Shaunee (also beautiful, and African-American). They all welcome Zoey, and rag on Aphrodite's little clique, nicknaming them the hags from hell.
  • Erin and Shaunee call each other "Twin" because while they're not related, they act freakily alike.
  • Damien goes on to explain (with his big vocabulary, since he's all smart and stuff) that Aphrodite's group is called the Dark Daughters. They're like a school spirit association but they're all mean; it's usually assumed that the leader is being groomed to be the next High Priestess.
  • Then Aphrodite walks up with some groupies, and she invites Zoey to join the Dark Daughters for their private Full Moon Ritual tomorrow night. She's rude to everyone else at the table, though.