Marked Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We studied this in AP Biology. It's a physiological reaction that takes place in some teenagers' bodies as their hormone levels rise." (3.14)

What triggers the Change that transforms some human teenagers into fledgling vampyres? According to what Zoey remembers from AP Bio, it has to do with certain junk DNA strands that get activated during puberty for some teens, but not others. Apparently scientists are still trying to get a handle on the specifics, though.

Quote #2

I am known by many names […] Changing Woman, Gaea, A'akuluujjusi, Kuan Yin, Grandmother Spider, and even Dawn […] As she spoke each name her face transformed so that I was dizzied by her power. (5.50-51)

Apparently the answer to the question "Who are you?" is kind of complicated for Nyx. She transforms into different shapes as she lists the various identities she's worn, and Zoey is, understandably, a little confused and overwhelmed. Like, how often do you run into ancient shape-shifting goddesses?

Quote #3

"Zoey, quit apologizing. And remember, everyone here has been where you are. This was new to all of us once. We know what it feels like—the fear of the Change—the shock at your life being turned into something foreign." (7.37)

Nefret comforts Zoey by reminding her that every vampyre at the House of Night has been where Zoey is right now (a.k.a. confused, scared, shocked). Having your life transformed by a Change you didn't ask for and probably weren't expecting isn't easy. Heck, the normal kind of change is never easy… so changing into a vamp must be super hard to adapt to.