Marked The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I glanced up at the big brick house that, after three years, still didn't feel like home. (2.50)

When Zoey goes home after being Marked at her high school, she reflects on how the house her family lives in doesn't really feel like home to her. So a house and a home aren't necessarily the same thing, at least in her mind—a house can be somewhere you just happen to live, and a home is somewhere you want to return to, since that's where the people who truly care about you live.

Quote #2

"You know what? I'm so sick of my life that I'm glad the Tracker Marked me! They call that vampyre school the House of Night, but it can't be any darker than this perfect home!" (2.77)

Classic teenage temper tantrum there, Zoey. But she has a point: Her family's home is not a welcoming, loving place, and at least with the House of Night she knows she might be in for a dark time.

Quote #3

This whole thing meant that I was going to have to leave. To start my life over somewhere I'd be the new kid…School was the only place I really felt at home anymore; my friends were my only family. (4.2)

Poor Zoey… when home doesn't feel like home to you, you latch onto whatever you've got. In this case, it's her friends at school. She knows her friends care about her and accept her (well, she thinks so at the time, anyway), so being in their presence recreates the feeling of home that she's so desperately missing in the house she occupies with her family.