Perfect Chapter 13 Summary


  • Cara's having a bit of an existential crisis, what with the same-sex lust and all. She wonders who she really is beneath her perfect exterior.
  • Sean's just not doing it for her. She thought she was in love with him, but now that she's met Dani, she's not so sure about that.
  • Still, Sean's been nice to her. They've been together for a year, and he's never tried to force her into sex.
  • She decides she's going to have to sleep with him to figure out whether or not she's gay; she also needs to know if love and sex are the same thing.
  • She's going to his exhibition baseball game. On her way out, she hears her mom talking to Emily Sanders on the phone. That's the teacher Conner fooled around with, and Mrs. Sykes is trying to run her out of town.
  • Cara smells alcohol coming from her mother's room. Her mom's so awful, it's no wonder her dad never comes home lately.
  • She goes to Sean's game and sits in the bleachers—in Nevada, they play baseball in the freaking snow.
  • Sean's extra aggressive on the field today, and when he gets up to bat, he hits the first pitch. They win the game.
  • Afterward, Sean and Cara go out for pizza, and she picks at her food while he chows down. She thinks the way he eats pizza is sexy. He smells kind of dangerous under all that pepperoni.
  • She runs her hand up his thigh and asks him if he wants to go somewhere private.
  • Does he ever. They get in his car, go to a make-out spot, and, um, make-out.
  • She reaches into his pants, and again, his body's not responding.
  • She asks what she did wrong, and he tells her it isn't her.