Perfect Chapter 21 Summary


  • Cara wants to break up with Sean. You saw that coming, though, right?
  • She's still not quite comfortable claiming the gay thing, though, and she decides that the only way to find out if she's a lesbian or not is to sleep with him.
  • He came over after his game the night before, and he was mad that she left right afterward. They got into a fight.
  • She knows she should have stayed, but she didn't want to deal with his questions about Dani.
  • All she told him was that Dani dug her out of a snowdrift.
  • Tonight she and Sean are going to the movies, and then (unbeknownst to him) to have sex.
  • When she leaves for the date, her parents are fighting about Conner. Her dad wants to know why Conner prefers to stay at Aspen Springs with the "lunatics" rather than being with his own family.
  • Well, duh.
  • Cara asks what will happen to Stanford if they end up on welfare due to the Aspen Springs bill. She's being sarcastic, of course—her dad's a rich lawyer—but at least it gets them to stop yelling at each other for a minute.
  • Her dad tells her she's going to follow in his footsteps and go to Stanford, Conner or no Conner.
  • Sean arrives to pick her up. When she gets into his truck, he kisses her. She feels nothing.
  • He drives past the movie theater and she asks where he's going. He says they're going to Chad's place to watch a movie instead. Chad's out of town, and they have the place to themselves.
  • When they get there, Sean pours two big glasses of booze and turns on a porno.
  • It's lesbian porn, and it turns her on. They get naked together on the couch.