Perfect Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Between dance lessons/and vocal training and helping out/at the food bank (all grooming for Miss/Teen Nevada), I barely have time for/homework, let alone fun. (2.10-11)

None of the activities Kendra participates in are fun for her. Her family doesn't care if she enjoys what she does; they just care about her winning.

Quote #2

Doesn't matter. Once I hit eighteen,/my pageant winnings will be all mine/to spend, and I will have the D cups I need/to kick ass in the cutthroat world of fashion. (2.58-59)

Runway models usually have very few curves, but for some reason, Kendra's perception is skewed. Plastic surgery is a way of exerting control over her body, of doing something to "improve" it, even when the improvement is actually detrimental.

Quote #3

[…] a real athlete shapes himself/muscle group by muscle/group, ignoring the/pain./Focused completely on/the gain. It can't happen/overnight. It takes hours/every single day/and/no one can force you to/do it. Becoming the best/takes a shitload of inborn/drive. (3.4-6)

Sean is the narrator who exhibits the most inborn drive. The other characters are trying to live up to their parents' expectations, but in the absence of parents, Sean pushes himself.