Perfect Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The more she goes/on, the more I'm sure the carpet/guys understand. There is no/possible way to satisfy our mother. (1.26)

What Cara never acknowledges is that her mom isn't satisfied with herself—if she were, she could be satisfied with external things. Do you think Cara even realizes this consciously?

Quote #2

The pressure they exert individually/is immense. As a team, it's almost/impossible to measure up. (1.29)

This is how it always works with bullies, and parents can definitely bully their children. When you have someone else feeding your antagonism, it intensifies. Why else do bullies always have posses?

Quote #3

I struggle daily to maintain/the pretense. Why must it be/ expected—no, demanded—of/me/to surpass my ancestors' achievements? (4.2-3)

There's a whole 'nother level to the parental pressure Andre gets. He's not just responsible for making his family look good; he's responsible for making African Americans look good.