Perfect Chapter 2 Summary


  • Kendra grew up believing she was pretty. The mirror was her best friend, until it started lying—now she thinks she's not pretty enough.
  • She's tall and Scandinavian, with pale blonde hair, pale skin, and blue eyes; when she cheers at outdoor games, she has to wear SPF 60 sunblock.
  • Because she's practicing for the Miss Teen Nevada pageant, she spends most of her time at dance lessons, voice lessons, and her volunteer gig at the food bank.
  • She doesn't have much time for homework or having fun, but that's okay, because it helps keep her mind off Conner.
  • Kendra wants to visit Conner in the hospital, but Cara has told her he's at Saint Mary's and that they don't allow visitors.
  • She tells us she's not the smartest girl at school, but she's popular because she's pretty.
  • So pretty, in fact, that she dreams of being a runway model. She doesn't think she's good enough yet, but she's been doing pageants since she was a baby, and she's done some catalog modeling jobs.
  • Pageants cost a lot of money, but her orthodontist stepdad, Patrick, pays for them.
  • The next step in making herself perfect? A nose job. She's got it scheduled for spring break; Patrick's paying for that, too.
  • If the surgeon is good, Kendra plans to go back for a boob job.
  • Her mom and Patrick aren't down with the breast augmentation idea, but when Kendra turns eighteen, she'll have access to her pageant winnings, and she can do what she wants.
  • Speaking of boobs, Kendra's little sister Jenna, who just turned sixteen, is pretty well endowed.
  • Jenna isn't as driven as Kendra, though, and she's spending her snow day in her pajamas, reading a book. (Sounds good to us.)
  • Kendra wants Jenna to get dressed and help shovel snow, but Jenna doesn't see the point, since it's just going to snow some more.
  • Kendra tells Jenna that shoveling is good exercise, so Jenna tells Kendra to go for it; she's looking a little flabby.
  • Kendra agrees that she's too fat, but she's working to get thinner. Then she'll win Miss Teen Nevada, her parents will be proud of her, and maybe Conner will come back. She decides to ask her friend Sean for some steroids to speed her weight loss up a bit.