Perfect Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

So I'll count every calorie. Train even harder./Fight for buff. And maybe I'll ask Sean/about that steroid I read about—/the weight loss phenom of the stars. (2.90-91)

Kendra says she wants to be buff, but that's different from skinny. In trying to be fit, she goes overboard, which gives her a very different type of body.

Quote #2

I don't want to work/that hard. There's an easier/way. He waits to see if/I bite. When I don't, he says,/I was hoping you could help/me out with some 'roids. (3.37-38)

Sean gets angry with Bobby for asking for steroids, but he decides to use them himself. He's wrapped up in the game of competition, and he doesn't want anyone to beat him.

Quote #3

But here in the medicine chest, between/the ibuprofen and the Benadryl, as a little/amber bottle, with Jenna's name on/the prescription label. Percocet. (14.67-68)

It's surprising that Jenna didn't finish her Percocet, given that she abuses other substances. Alcohol's her poison, which proves that the phrase "drug of choice" is a bit of a misnomer. In reality, the drug usually chooses you.