Dark Water Chapter 1 Summary

  • We first meet our narrator, Pearl, when she tells us that her eyes are different colors. Leave it to a rare genetic thing called heterochromia.
  • One of her eyes is blue, and the other's brown. Pearl likes to think about one eye (the brown one) having magical powers—or at least that's what her uncle tells her.
  • Pearl thinks Amiel believed this about her eyes, too, since he told her that she's of two worlds. What he actually says is Tú eres de dos mundos, but we went ahead and translated if for you. So nice, we know.
  • We're not exactly sure who Amiel is yet, but we know he must be important to her. And we also know he speaks at least some Spanish.
  • Pearl tells us that Amiel's not with her anymore, but she imagines flying over to his hometown and seeing three chairs outside his house, one for Amiel, one for her, and one for Uncle Hoyt.
  • The chairs are empty, and she pretends that's because they aren't there yet.