Dark Water Chapter 16 Summary

  • Robby comes over the next morning, wanting to take his new b-day present out for a spin. Yep, his parents bought him a brand new red car. Sweet.
  • Pearl rolls her eyes at the thought of it while she changes out of her pajamas.
  • She sees a note on the counter from her mom, letting her know that (1) she's gone to the farmer's market, and (2) Pearl is grounded and not to go anywhere. Good morning to you, too, Mom.
  • Pearl figures she'll just have to hurry then.
  • Robby watches the silkworms while Pearl's getting ready; he is disgusted as usual.
  • There's a cocoon forming, which Pearl thinks is cool, but Robby maintains is nasty.
  • The two of them head to the river and walk around.
  • Pearl promises to show Robby the stuff she saw at the river the last time she took a jaunt around—there was a bed and clothes that obviously belonged to a hobo, she tells him.
  • She searches the area, but can't find the stuff.
  • Robby points out this is because it's illegal to squat out in the woods, so whoever lives there probably saw her visiting and moved his stuff.
  • They keep walking and find the stuff, this time in a different location.
  • Pearl opens one of the small boxes, and inside she finds a business card that reads: Amiel Cruz Guerrero, Hard Worker.
  • She realizes that Amiel lives there and feels awful, especially when Robby claims he's going to call the cops and report him.
  • They head back to the car. Pearl is ready to go home but Robby wants to get something to eat.
  • She knows her mom will be home from the farmer's market soon, but she goes along with it.