Dark Water Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Some people can lie, and some people can't. My father was a world-class liar, for instance. We never suspected a thing until the day of the Talbots dress. (8.15)

We hate to say this, Pearl, but the lying apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Sure her dad's deception is major doozy, but Pearl's a pretty swift liar herself.

Quote #2

I watched the dirt road where Amiel still wasn't riding in on his bicycle, and I touched the folded note that I hoped said, Where did you learn to juggle? not, Where did you learn to deceive? (11.34)

The words "juggle"and "deceive"are similar in Spanish, which worries Pearl. What if she asked Amiel about his lies instead of asking him about something far more casual like his circus talents? The slip is a very telling one, though: It turns out Amiel is deceiving people, by hiding out from the police and living illegally in the woods.

Quote #3

"Then you've probably eaten a ray. Restaurants cut them with a cookie cutter, see, and call them scallops." (15.22)

Ew… When we order scallops, we want to know that they are actually scallops and not stingrays. Robby, Pearl, and her mom all feel the same. Something doesn't sit right with them about restaurants claiming they are serving one thing when they're really serving another, but Pearl's dad—who turns out to be a liar—has no problem with it at all.