Dark Water Chapter 46 Summary

  • When Pearl was a little girl, her mom used to tell her to hug a tree if they got separated.
  • The idea? Pearl wouldn't move around while her mom was searching for her.
  • Too bad Pearl didn't listen to that advice with the fire. She tells us that she wishes she had stayed in one place.
  • From the future, Pearl tells us what happened next for her family:
  • Her mom stresses out and asks a marine for help locate her daughter. He tries to comfort her, but can't do much, so she calls Hoyt instead.
  • Hoyt is already at the beach house, but he asks Robby and Agnès if they have any clue where Pearl might be.
  • Agnès chimes in that Pearl is in love with one of the workers and they meet up in the woods, so Hoyt makes his way there on his motorbike.