Dark Water Chapter 23 Summary

  • After they drop off Amiel, Agnès comments that it's a shame when her husband hires young workers like him. They don't have much to live for.
  • It occurs to Pearl that Agnès is sophisticated and critical, and she wonders (not for the first time) how her uncle landed such a gal.
  • Agnès asks Pearl if she is in love with Amiel.
  • What? No way, Pearl counters. Sure you aren't, Pearl…
  • Agnès tells her that the parakeet can't be with the tortoise. Pearl isn't exactly sure what this means, though she knows it can't be good.
  • When Agnès explains to her that it's really just the culture that makes her love Amiel, Pearl wonders if that's true.
  • We all want what we can't have, Agnès claims. Why else would she fall for a rancher?
  • Everyone told her Hoyt wasn't right for her, but she wanted to get with him anyway. Hmm… Agnès does have a point.
  • She tells Pearl that love can do a lot, but money does everything. Translation? It's great that Pearl loves Amiel, but if he doesn't have money to support them, they can't be happy in a life together.