Dark Water Chapter 21 Summary

  • On Friday, Pearl hitches a ride home with Hickey and Greenie.
  • She's been grounded all week but her mom lets her go with her friends since she has to work late. Pearl is given explicit instructions about doing chores and making dinner when she gets home, though.
  • Hickey and Greenie drop Pearl off at the bottom of Hoyt's orchard, so she walks up the hill to her home.
  • On the way, she notices a bunch of the workers gathered around some crates. They are all laughing and chanting, but she can't see what's going on.
  • As soon as they see her, everyone is silent.
  • Pearl knows they aren't doing anything wrong—their workday starts early and they're done already—yet the workers are uncomfortable with her there.
  • Amiel is standing in the middle, juggling cans of soda. He starts up again once he sees Pearl watching because he knows she won't cause any trouble.
  • After watching for a little while, Pearl turns to go home. She has chores to do, after all.
  • Since Amiel is really talented, Pearl isn't worried at all when the workers start chanting "machete!" for him to juggle next.