The Wee Free Men Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She closed her eyes and opened them again. And blinked, and opened them again.

There was no magic door, no hidden building revealed, no strange signs. (2.241-242)

Tiffany's lived in the Chalk her whole life and she just wants to escape to another magical world. The Chalk seems boring and void of adventure from where she stands. Little does she know that she'll soon get her wish…

Quote #2

This is the girl, flying. At the moment there's a toad on her head, holding on to her hair. (5.2)

As she speeds off into a new world to find her brother, Tiffany's accompanied by the pictsies and her new friend the toad. They're definitely in for a wild ride.

Quote #3

Something crunched under her boots, but she didn't open her eyes until she couldn't feel the stones anymore. When she did open them…

… it was a black-and-white landscape. (7.408-409)

Fairyland is nothing like the real world, and it looks totally strange and it's cold. Once Tiffany's entered it, she realizes that she's in for an adventure—whether she's ready for it or not.