The Wee Free Men Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does the Queen keep kidnapping children? What's her deal?
  2. Why do you think Fairyland is so incomplete when you look at it? How is the landscape different from the real world?
  3. What is the nature of dreams in the story? How are dreams dangerous, and how can they be defeated?
  4. Are Tiffany or her grandmother real witches? Why or why not?
  5. Why do you think the book deals with so many flashbacks about Granny Aching?
  6. If you were to march into Fairyland to confront the Queen and her minions, what one object would you bring?
  7. Why does the book open up with Miss Tick rather than Tiffany?
  8. How is Tiffany different from other people? What makes the Nac Mac Feegles choose her?
  9. Do you think Tiffany's age affects the way that she's able to handle bringing back her brother? Why or why not?
  10. Why would Tiffany go in after her brother anyway? Doesn't she want to get rid of him?
  11. What do you think Tiffany's Second and Third Thoughts really are?
  12. If you were Tiffany, how would you go about defeating the evil Queen?