The Wee Free Men Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

This is Tiffany, walking back home. Start with the boots. They are big and heavy boots, much repaired by her father, and they belonged to various sisters before her; she wears several pairs of socks to keep them on. They are big. Tiffany sometimes feels she is nothing more than a way of moving boots around. (1.42)

At the very beginning, it's hard for Tiffany to have a true sense of herself because she's seen as such a part of the Aching clan. She's just another Aching girl, not an actual individual.

Quote #2

People tended to leave Tiffany alone. There was nothing particularly cruel or unpleasant about this, but the farm was big and everyone had their jobs to do, and she did hers very well and so she became, in a way, invisible. (1.58)

The farm is so big and there are so many sisters around that Tiffany really doesn't get much attention at the beginning of the story. Her parents don't pay that much attention to her at all—especially when Wentworth comes around.

Quote #3

"It's all a bit… foggy. I just know I've been a person. At least, I think I know. It gives me the willies. Sometimes I wake up in the night and I think, was I ever really human? Or was I just a toad that got on her nerves and she made me think I was human once?" (4.22)

That poor toad. He has no idea who or what he is at all, and doesn't even know for sure if he was once a human. That's got to mess with a little amphibian's head (and personal identity).