The Wee Free Men Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She ran out of her hiding place with the frying pan swinging like a bat. The screaming monster, leaping out of the water, met the frying pan coming the other way with a clang. (1.83)

Little Tiffany's scrappy—she goes up against a creepy river creature even when she knows that it has supernatural powers and could probably eat her with all those teeth.

Quote #2

"Ye dinna ken o'the Quin? An' you the wean o' Granny Aching, who has the hills in her bones? Ye dinna ken the ways? She did not show ye the ways? Ye're no' a hag? How can this be? Ye slammered Jenny Green-Teeth and stared the Heidless Horseman in the eyes he hasna got, and ye dinna ken?" (4.175)

The Nac Mac Feegles are certainly impressed by Tiffany, even though she's rather young. After all, she's the granddaughter of Granny Aching and she's gone up against a couple magical creatures all on her own.

Quote #3

"One Feegle can lift a grown man. You couldn't squash one if you tried." (4.262)

They may be small, but the Wee Free Men are quite physically strong. That's a very good thing, because walking all the way to Fairyland would otherwise have probably taken Tiffany forever.