The Wee Free Men Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Impressive?" said the voice. "She used her brother as bait!" (1.100)

That's some sisterly love for sure. At the beginning of the book, Tiffany's willing to put Wentworth in danger in order to learn more about magical river creatures—which is questionable babysitting behavior.

Quote #2

"And then you weren't the baby anymore because you had a dear little brother," said Miss Tick. "The only boy, too. That must have been a nice surprise." (2.112)

Miss Tick sees right through Tiffany's assertion that she's very fond of her little brother. She can see that Tiffany's a little ambivalent about him; after all, he took all the attention that used to be hers.

Quote #3

"He's just a nuisance!" said Tiffany. "He takes up my time and I'm always having to look after him and he always wants sweets." (2.120)

With additional members of the family comes additional responsibility. Tiffany used to be the baby, but now she has to watch the baby, and that's no fun.