The Wee Free Men Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Wee Free Men.

Family Quotes

"Impressive?" said the voice. "She used her brother as bait!" (1.100)

Courage Quotes

It seemed to Tiffany that although the owners of the three voices were fighting things that couldn't possibly fight back, including a teddy bear with only one leg, the fight still wasn't going all...

Perseverance Quotes

"There's no one to stop them."There was silence for a moment. "There's me," said Tiffany. (3.253-255)

Strength and Skill Quotes

She ran out of her hiding place with the frying pan swinging like a bat. The screaming monster, leaping out of the water, met the frying pan coming the other way with a clang. (1.83)

The Supernatural Quotes

"There it is. A definite ripple in the walls of the world. Very worrying. There's probably another world making contact. That's never good. I ought to go there. But… according to my left elbow, t...

Power Quotes

"For you, at a word, the law was brake," said Granny Aching. "Will ye mind that, ye who sit in judgment? Will ye remember this day? Ye'll have cause to." (4.221)

Exploration Quotes

She closed her eyes and opened them again. And blinked, and opened them again. There was no magic door, no hidden building revealed, no strange signs. (2.241-242)

Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

The woman stared at her. "That was an incredible feat of reasoning," she said at last. "You'd make a good witch finder." (2.16)

The Home Quotes

It was actually called the Home Farm. Her father rented it from the Baron, farming it for hundreds of years and so, her father said (quietly, sometimes, after he'd had a beer in the evenings), as f...

Identity Quotes

This is Tiffany, walking back home. Start with the boots. They are big and heavy boots, much repaired by her father, and they belonged to various sisters before her; she wears several pairs of sock...