The Wee Free Men The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was actually called the Home Farm. Her father rented it from the Baron, farming it for hundreds of years and so, her father said (quietly, sometimes, after he'd had a beer in the evenings), as far as the land knew, it was owned by the Achings. (1.59)

The chalk is something that Tiffany's grown up on her whole life, and that her ancestors grew up on too. Miss Tick said the chalk was made up of many, many tiny ground up bones—and it seems like the land is in Tiffany's bones too.

Quote #2

Tiffany shared a bedroom with Fastidia and Hannah. She woke up when she heard them come to bed, and she lay in the dark until she heard their breathing settle down and they started to dream of young sheep shearers with their shirts off. (3.25)

Even when she's sleeping Tiffany doesn't get much privacy. Their home is cozy, but the family members are definitely always in close quarters. Can you imagine how dreamy having her own room would be?

Quote #3

She drifted off to sleep again, thinking about the land around the farm. She knew all of it. There were no secret places that she didn't know about. (3.47)

The chalk is so familiar to Tiffany that there are no places that she isn't aware of. She's spent her whole life exploring this area, and she's more comfortable with it than anywhere else in the world.