The Wee Free Men Themes

The Wee Free Men Themes


If you listen to Tiffany moaning and groaning on at the beginning of The Wee Free Men about Wentworth, you might be led to believe that this book doesn't hold family in high esteem—but you would...


The Wee Free Men may very well be a children's book, but that doesn't mean it isn't full of harrowing situations that would make the bravest adult quake in their boots. Fortunately Tiffany Aching i...


It can be awfully easy to give up when things get hard, especially when things getting hard means that an evil queen will be chasing after you and trying to bring about your demise. Never fear, tho...

Strength and Skill

In The Wee Free Men, Tiffany manages to find and rescue her brother not because she's big or particularly strong, but because she has a strong character, determination, and a whole lot of street sm...

The Supernatural

The Wee Free Men is certainly not big on realism, that's for sure, and Tiffany is exposed to some pretty bizarre and mystical creatures right away. She meets a bunch of little blue men (whom she la...


Given that The Wee Free Men takes place in a feudal society, it makes a lot of sense that there's a great deal of power play going on in the book. First of all, we have the power plays of day-to-da...


We love a good adventure, and The Wee Free Men is filled with all sorts of fantastic exploits—which is to be expected when your main character follows a band of merry blue warriors into a new wor...

Cunning and Cleverness

Even though Tiffany has a pretty sturdy frying pan, sheer brute strength isn't going to save her in The Wee Free Men. Nope, Tiffany has to rely on her mind—specifically on her ability to think cr...

The Home

If Tiffany were to steal a line out of a movie, she'd probably take one from The Wizard of Oz and wax poetic about how there's "no place like home." After all, in The Wee Free Men, Tiffany gets tra...


Maybe nine's a little young to go on a journey of self-exploration, but Tiffany isn't one to stick to conventions anyway, and in The Wee Free Men, Tiffany learns a lot about who she is. At the begi...