The Wee Free Men Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Wee Free Men? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does the Queen start wrecking Fairyland and turning it into a miserable place to live?

Because the king leaves her
Because she gets bored with having pretty things
Because she hates all magical creatures
Because she got lazy
Q. Who owns the land that the Achings farm on?

The Achings
Donald Trump
The Baron
The King
Q. Which of the Nac Mac Feegles does Tiffany choose to marry?

The kelda
Justin Bieber
Rob Anybody
Q. Why is Wentworth so special to Tiffany's family?

He's the only boy
He's the only one who likes sweeties
He's a piano prodigy
He's really blond
Q. Why can't Fion become the kelda for her mother's clan?

She's too annoying
She gets lazy and never does her chores
Her mom doesn't want to give up her job yet
She can't marry one of her brothers